Professional help for school and kindergarten search

For everyone who relocates to Germany with their family, it is important that even the youngest are well accommodated. The possibilities in terms of schooling and child care are extremely varied, and the range is overwhelmingly large. HereLocation supports you in the selection of suitable schools, kindergartens and other childcare facilities since the German school system is quite complicated.

Introduction to the German school system

In order for you to be able to choose the right educational institution for your children, you must first understand how the German education system works. Therefore, we will give you an introduction to the various educational opportunities in Germany: public, private and international schools, and state subsidies. Of course, we will also discuss the offers at your future place of residence and explain the situation in detail.


Accompanied school visits with HereLocation

Based on an individual needs analysis, we prepare a pre-selection of suitable educational institutions for each of your children. We will be happy to accompany you on a tour of selected schools and kindergartens and organise a meeting with the responsible teachers. This will enable you to get a first-hand impression of the facility and assess whether it really suits you and your family. As soon as you have decided on an institution, we will of course also assist you with school registration and all the necessary paperwork. If desired, we will also work with you to develop a school bus route that will enable your child to get to school quickly and safely.

Childcare and free-time activities

Does your child need tutoring, afternoon care or piano lessons? We will be happy to put you in touch with music teachers and other tutors from the region. We can also provide you with suitable information material on language courses and trainings. Don’t forget that free-time activities promote your child’s language acquisition in a playful way and a relaxed atmosphere. Contact with peers ensures that your child quickly gets used to the foreign environment and makes new friends. Please contact us so that we can put together a list of different free-time activities (e.g. sports, music) for you.

For other cities, please contact us and we will clarify at short notice what we can offer you. With HereLocation, your onboarding in Germany will be free from stress and smooth experience.


We recommend applying for child benefit

In Germany, all parents are entitled to child benefits. This also applies to international transferees and expats. Child benefit is paid regardless of income and is transferred to your account every month. The amount depends on the number of children you have. We strongly recommend that you apply for child benefit as a decent financial contribution. HereLocation will be happy to help you apply for child benefit as part of our formalities and official matters service


Children and education: Our Relocation Services at a glance

  • Information on the German education system
  • Overview over local national and international schools
  • Detailed needs analysis for each of your children
  • Support for the selection of suitable schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions
  • Accompanied school visits and interviews with the responsible persons
  • Support with school registration and the necessary paperwork
  • Compiling a selection of language courses, tutoring and music teachers as well as free-time activities for your children
  • Support in applying for child benefit


We can help you find the best school for your children