10 things you should know before moving to Germany
The Germans have some peculiarities about them. To avoid Expats suffering a culture shock, you should definitely know these 10 things before you move.
The Germans have some peculiarities about them. To avoid Expats suffering a culture shock, you should definitely know these 10 things before you move.
Dauerhaft in Deutschland leben mit der Niederlassungserlaubnis
Most landlords want to see your SCHUFA information before considering you as a tenant. How can you get one and how do you rent an apartment without one?
For Expats who want to stay: an unlimited residence permit
The city of Bonn offers numerous opportunities for non-native speakers to learn German. We tell you which they are and for whom they are suitable.
When professionals get a job offer abroad, children are often also affected. We have 6 tips on how to move with the family.